William Blake, freelancer?

There’s a new exhibition of William Blake’s work at the Tate Britain.

Despite this rather downbeat review, I find my interest heightened by ” the show’s focus on practicalities”:

The visionary artist-poet is described as having a “portfolio career” as a “freelancer”, mixing commercial work with his own projects. This is presumably in an attempt to make Blake’s experiences and creations feel relevant among today’s gig economy. However, the result is that the exhibition occasionally hits on a tone of dreary banality.

The full review – by Anna Souter on The Up Coming – is here.

The Telegraph has a review, here.

The Tate’s exhibition site is here.

Also, via the serendipity of mass media, I heard a little of this radio programme the other day: Schama on Blake. From BBC Radio 4, Simon Schama discusses Blake’s work. From the little I heard I learned that the above image of Isaac Newton represented Blake’s antipathy towards men of science and engineering who tried to reduce everything to measurement.

Image: The Tate, Image released under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND (3.0 Unported)